Continuous Recovery

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What is continuing care planning?

While residential treatment provides a natural “safe zone” where people seeking sobriety can focus on battling the immediate crisis of addiction, we know that a new kind of recovery begins when residential treatment ends. At Headwaters, we begin developing a personalized continuing care plan for every client upon admission. We consult not only with the client, but also with their family members, business partners, managers, attorneys, executive assistants, wealth managers, physicians and referents to customize each client’s individual needs before the time of discharge arrives.

Continuing care planning, also known as “discharge planning,” is a critical component of treatment that helps clients and their families prepare to navigate the ups and downs of a life in recovery. A detailed and organized continuing care plan can provide both stability for the person entering recovery and peace of mind for their families and professional support system.

When does the continuing care process start at Headwaters?

Continuing care planning at Headwaters begins at the onset of treatment. Understanding the unique challenges that our affluent clientele face, we work hand in hand with the primary therapist and the other multidisciplinary team members to create a personalized plan for every client well ahead of discharge.

What is continuing care planning?

While discharge planning begins with the client, many other people will likely be involved in the process. Most people in treatment sign consent to allow providers to touch base with auxiliary points of contact, including family members. Those contacts will naturally be included in the discharge planning process and may provide valuable insight into a client’s specific aftercare needs in regards to their affluent lifestyle. Together, clients, their families, referents, partners and Headwaters’ treatment team will build a continuing care plan that reflects these relationships and support services.

What are the key components of a continuing care plan?

The individual needs of every Headwaters client is always considered as our staff develops a continuing care plan that includes tailored recommendations in these areas:


Counseling is a critical component of most clients’ aftercare plans. Recommendations by our team may include working with a highly trusted therapist or exploring various levels of clinical support, such as Intensive outpatient or outpatient Services, which may include both group and individual therapy. We always coordinate closely with trusted referents and experts in order to guide our executive level clients to clinical services that help them address issues that may arise following residential treatment.


Co-occurring disorders are common with addiction, and our multidisciplinary team is dedicated to providing superior medical services. After they discharge, many clients will need ongoing support to adhere to their specific medical plan, including how and when to take their medications. To ensure success, we connect our clients with doctors and mental health professionals in their area who can monitor their progress over time.

Family Support

Substance use disorders impact the entire family and studies have consistently shown that recovery outcomes improve when families engage in their loved one’s recovery. Our treatment providers offer support through our Family Programs, which take into account every family member’s needs once the client exits our care. This type of support may also involve individual or family counseling or groups such as Al-Anon or Families Anonymous.

Alumni Services

Confidential recovery groups are readily available throughout the country and often provide the much-needed guidance and motivation necessary to maintain permanent recovery. We’ll help you find the best one for your unique situation. Alongside these recommendations, we also offer exclusively designed, comprehensive Alumni Services that begin at admission and last a lifetime. Offerings include recharge events and opportunities for ongoing connection with our team.

Structure and Accountability

Residential treatment is a rigorous process during which nearly every minute of the day is planned. Leaving a structured environment of this nature without an idea of how to spend one’s time after treatment can set a client up for failure. Working closely with their Headwaters counselor, our clients develop a work-life-balance schedule which includes clinical and medical recommendations as well as other sober, positive activities that might include working with a personal trainer, volunteering, serving your community, attending 12-Step meetings, and engaging in intentional work-life balance. All of these aspects provide much-needed structure and accountability.

The Goal of Headwaters’ Continuing Care Team

While the goal of any treatment stay is sobriety, the most successful outcomes occur when the client learns to develop healthy relationships and interests that do not end at discharge. Ultimately, recovery is about breaking old ways of thinking and learning how to practically apply recovery principles to everyday life. Through open communication with our treatment team, the entire family and the affluent individual’s trusted circle of support is able to develop a comprehensive yet realistic plan that supports freedom from addiction — not only for today, but for a lifetime. As indicated for each client’s personal situation, professional schedule and lifestyle, our Continuing Care Team will make recommendations for, and help schedule returns to, Headwaters for continued therapy, a one-week recharge visit or other options.

Continuing Care Intensives

At Headwaters, we recognize that recovery is a lifelong journey, and challenges can arise even after completing treatment. To provide an extra layer of support, we offer Continuing Care Intensives—focused, short-term programs designed for individuals who may be experiencing early signs of psychological relapse or struggling to maintain their progress.

Our Continuing Care Intensives offer a focused, short-term opportunity for individuals to return to treatment for one to two weeks of immersive clinical therapy. These intensives serve as both a preventative measure—planned in advance at intervals as part of a robust aftercare plan—and as a responsive support option, available upon patient request when life circumstances indicate a return to structured care is beneficial.

These intensives provide a safe and structured environment for patients to reconnect with clinical therapy, identify triggers, and refocus their recovery efforts before a relapse occurs. During a Continuing Care Intensive, patients engage in personalized therapeutic sessions with our expert clinicians, participate in evidence-based group therapies, and explore practical strategies to strengthen emotional resilience.

This proactive approach helps individuals regain stability, renew their commitment to sobriety, and return to their daily lives equipped with reinforced tools for success. By addressing concerns early, Continuing Care Intensives serve as a preventative measure, empowering patients to stay on the path of recovery with confidence and clarity. Contact admissions to inquire about returning for a continuing care intensive 561-270-1753.

Address: 933 45th Street,
West Palm Beach, FL 33407

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